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Hi Jean-Philippe,
Le 09/01/2014 11:04, a écrit :

I recently received a notice about a bug I had submitted telling me
that it is now fixed. So I am testing the nightly build of
Libreoffice and, indeed, I am amazed, it is now accessible directly
without Java Bridge access and without enabling anything in any
dialog. This must be cnofirmed maybe, but here it works. Thanks very
much for this work!

I am only surprised by a small problem: in most menus, when I do Up
Arrow key while the focus is on the first item of a menu, the cursor
moves to the last item of the menu. This expected behavior happens in
most menus, except File and Edit menus. Why? A bug? Reproductible?

Anyway thanks again and be sure I will follow the evolution of
accessibility of libreoffice with nvda very closely because it is
essential it to become accessible given the usage today in france.
Thanks a lot for your feedback and please, don't hesitate to post your
findings here. You may be interested to follow the IA2 integration here:


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