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On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 02:25:57 -0600, Carlos Jenkins wrote:
As Andrea said, making this "document submit" is easily done in Drupal.
good, I just can't code with drupal as I don't have experience with it.
Albeit I really would prefer the requirement the user to register. Why? We
avoid spam. Also, a user who just submit a bug report but is unable to
provide all the information requested (really usual) or are unable to keep
tracking of the bug (like implement the recommendations or request from the
people), is not really useful. 
No, you misunderstood. I don't mean bug reports. I don't want the user
in participating in bug reports. I want to enable users to upload docs
that cause them conversion trouble. And I want others to easily see
where these troubles are and being to replicate them (filing real bug
reports as needed).

And the requirement to register an account for this, will already a too
high hurdle. But don't mind, I can always code this as a 3rd party
application :). and their features/way to do things
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