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Hi Keith,

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:01:51PM -0500, Keith Curtis wrote:
Do you know if they will return 192 DPI when on these screens like
what Gnome 3.10 does? I could find some Unity alias and ask, but you
might know or be able to encourage them ;-) 
To be honest, I havent tracked HiDPI at all as I already have to watch out for
too many lose ends. I asked on #ubuntu-desktop and this is what I got:

11:08 < Sweetshark> I got an email request about HiDPI asking: "Do you know if they will return 192 
DPI when on these screens like what Gnome 3.10 does? I could find some Unity alias and ask, but you 
might know or be able to encourage 
                    them ;-)" -- anyone having a quick answer to that?
11:09 < darkxst> Sweetshark, if they are asking for HiDPI on Full HD panels, it wont happen, 
atleast not from the GNOME side




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