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On 03/06/2013 09:44 PM, Neeraj Rai wrote:
1. how is the header XDesktop.hpp generated and should it be in the path
pointed by any of the standard vars
Those .hpp (and internal .hdl) files corresponding to UNOIDL entities 
(declared in .idl files) are not included in the SDK, but rather need to 
be generated via cppumaker.  The SDK's settings/ has target 
$(SDKTYPEFLAG) for wholesale generation of those C++ header files 
corresponding to all of LO's .idl files.
See e.g. SDK's examples/cpp/DocumentLoader/Makefile for including 
and and making compilation of C++ sources depend on 
$(SDKTYPEFLAGS).  (This also explains why building your own C++ code 
against the SDK sometimes happens to work and sometimes not---if you 
already built one of the C++ examples, the headers are already 
generated.  All of this is hopelessly ugly.)


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