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David Tardon píše v St 18. 04. 2012 v 10:02 +0200:
Hi all,

the problem is that we did not refresh search data for subsequent
searches, so the back references were always filled using the search
data of the first match. So, for RE ([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}), replacement
$1.$2 and string "1200-1300", that would lead to the following sequence
of changes:

1. back refs 0-2, 2-4 -> "12", "00"; repl. "12.00"; new str. "12.00-1300"
2. back refs 0-2, 2-4 -> "12", ".0"; repl. "12..0"; new str. "12.00-12..0"

Commit ea1cd1a10cc2d2bbf4f82aeca689fe81a3b79856 fixes that.
Great catch! Makes sense. Works well => pushed into 3-5 branch, see

It will be in 3.5.3-rc1.

Best Regards,


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