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On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:
On 08/03/2012 03:42 PM, John Smith wrote:
- Still lots of "external" stuff, dmake, libxmlsec/,
workdir/, ...

Well, the analyzer simply follows/precedes whatever you tell 'make' to
do. So if the build includes 'make dbuild', then that *will* not only
get build, but analyzed as well and show up in the report. I was
hoping that adding '--with-system-libs' would solve that issue, but
apparently it doesnt. If there are ./configure switches to disable
compilation of those final parts - and Fedora pre-build system rpms to
replace them -  then all should be fine. Or perhaps the rest of this
'external stuff' should be added to  '--with-system-libs', or get it's
own ./configure switch ?

dmake will eventually be obsoleted by our new gbuild machinery and removed.
For the time being, it could help to start analyzing only after dmake has
already been build (it is built in ./bootstrap, so something like
"./ && ./bootstrap && make" instead of just "make" might help).

workdir/ contains generated flex output, which itself
is not external code, but the quality of that code, at least partly, is
under the control of the external flex tool.  Something of a special case
(hopefully leading to only a few reports anyway, which also might be
worthwhile addressing in upstream flex if they are not false positives).

In any case, such stuff should be something we can filter out in some way
(post-processing the data -- is it only available as HTML, or also in some
other format?), so I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Just wanted to note
it down...


I'll take a look at building dmake before I start another analysis
next time, and see where that gets me. But for the time being, because
analysis literally takes *hours* Im just going to wait and see how
useful the current report is to people. Has anyone actually fixed a
bug yet, based on a analysis report ? (I think I have seen 1 post
about a bugfix on this list so far.).

- John


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