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On 02/10/2011 07:30 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 4:13 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions<>  wrote:
but Ubuntu used the Debian install though, until it creates their own for
their 11.04 repository.

To be precise, Debian is a Linux distribution upon which the Ubuntu
Linux distribution is based, but they are largely separate and *very*
different entities.

As such, Ubuntu uses the Debian package management system (dpkg, apt*,
etc. - as opposed to the Red Hat Package Manager rpm), but they
(Debian and dpkg) are not the same thing.

However, I get your meaning.  I just found it a little confusing up
front (and was concerned that novices to Debian and/or Ubuntu might
find also find it so).
It gets more confusing soon, maybe.  An article I read leaves me 
wondering if Debian will be around much longer.  These was talk about 
their version of Linux is becoming less popular and there may be a 
possibility that it will no longer be developed, or not a much or as 
fast as it has been in the past.
Yes the whole deal is confusing.  I use Ubuntu, but I install .deb 
packages.  I do not want to think about the desktop changes coming with 
Ubuntu 11.04.
When people look at Linux instead of Windows for a platform, they first 
wonder way it is so "difficult" to install software.  We are told that 
you can run a certain percentage of Windows software through WINE, but I 
never got one to work correctly.  Linux can be very confusing to a 
Windows user.
Now back to the thread title:
I would love to see some additions to the spell checking options for LibreOffice. I would like to see a built in dictionary function that would allow you to look up words to see if the offered spelling is the correct one by its definition. I just installed StarDic on my Ubuntu desktop [Windows and Mac versions available]. It had access to many dictionaries, thesaurus, and translation "databases" in some default format. If you include some coding that is triggered and a window comes up showing the dictionary based on the highlighted word in the spelling list, then it may help. Also adding a dictionary function as an add on would work as well. Having access to many different dictionary, thesaurus, and translation databases that are maintained by other groups may be a nice option. Since StarDic is under the GPL "copyleft" license, LibreOffice may be able to get access to their coding as well to make the process easier.
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