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Hi Luke,

Luke Benes píše v Pá 03. 08. 2018 v 19:05 +0000:

Currently all Windows tinderboxes that generated the daily builds are
down: @39, @42, and @62
Sorry about the @39 tinderbox bad shape - the builds got broken there
during my vacation, and I still did not get to fixing that :-(

I have neither the computing resources nor time to constantly run
builds to find breaking commits.
I fear the biggest problem is the people's time it takes to keep the
Windows tinderboxes running.  I have hard times finding that recently -
 so I'd be happy to send you the @39 box in case you had a place for
that & could run it.  Of course, that is if you live somewhere in the
EU - sending it overseas would be a problem on its own I fear.

Would you be able to run the box, please?

All the best,


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