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On 05/04/2011 06:06 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi Tim et al

Le 2011-05-03 19:11, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions a écrit :
I would like to ask, Is there a market for a CD or a CD set instead of
DVD? I have been looking at what is needed if the NA style DVD is broken
down to CDs for business systems that do not have DVDs, and still have
all the included material of the DVD[s]. Most of the businesses that do
not have budgets to buy newer computer will not have a DVD installed in
their business machines. So having only DVD style media will not work
for them.

I used to be a whitebox retailer. Unless things have changed, CD 
drives no longer come standard on boxes. Most whiteboxes boxes come 
with no CD/DVD drives. You have to add these If companies still have 
CD's on their machines, they are really outdated by today's standard 
... DVD's were added as standard drives quite a few years ago. So, 
very few businesses will have CD drives. Also, if a company is still 
making use of CD-drive boxes, a DVD drive (external) is very cheap to 
buy or construct and is most cases deductible for tax purposes. There 
are very few if any reason for any business not to install or purchase 
a DVD drive for business purposes -- less than $100 or even $50.
As of last year, there were still many "city" computers that were old enough to only have CDs. Several of the State agencies that I deal with for a group do not have more than a third of their computers having DVDs. There are still a lot of CD computers out there that never have been upgraded to DVD. I wonder how many school machines are new enough to have a DVD drive in it. I know that if a DVD drive costs more than a CD drive, the school would have bought the CD version to save money. Now that the DVD is the standard drive, only the newest computers would have them. In 2003, there were still many computers running Win 95 and Win 98. With the way budgets are reduced every year, most places are not going to spend it on new[er] computers if the ones they have still work. At the place where I live, last year HUD reduced their payments by $250,000. This year it is almost $300,000 less than last year's amount. So any Federal/State/Local government funded office or agency has been feeling the pinch. So it may be a good thing for getting LibreOffice into their offices as a cost saving issue, but we will need to be able to have CDs for their older systems.
A case could however be made for a personal box have only a CD drive, in which case a $25 or even $15 DVD drive is easily added.
Yes, I love external drives. Now they even have them powered by the USB port as well. I have a CD/DVD burner as an external since it costs $75 to replace this LightScribe burner when it costs over $250 to replace the internal one for my laptop[s].
Emerging economy countries will most likely be the countries where a CD version will be needed.

I was thinking about a media set. You can buy at a four disc DVD case. I bought the ten-pack when I bought my thin DVD cases. Although you will not have as much space as a DVD with four CDs, you still can fit a lot of stuff on them. I was thinking that CD set would start out as a Windows CD set, with a different one for Linux, if needed. Same with MacOSX.

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