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2011/6/15 Bernhard Dippold <>

Hi Helio, all,

Hi Bernard.

Let's cut into pieces (as Jack the Riper said) =)

Helio S. Ferreira schrieb:

Hi all,

for the next issue will have a new layout and a new name, LibreOffice
Magazine Brasil.

This is really great news!

I hope that LibreOffice will get the momentum BrOffice had in the past in

I'd like to see some kind of advertising for this magazine under it's new

That would be really good!

In my eyes the international community will applaud the Brazilian community
for their work - perhaps in blog entries, perhaps in a official press
release about the final switch from to LibreOffice not only for
the product, but for the magazine as well.


Reading the discussion on the Apache list, there have been many people
thinking of BrOffice as independent (forked) development from

I'd like to see this corrected, but I can't tell about the impact on the
Brazilian community of such a press release.

What do you think, Brazilians?

This is the real point: We were really commited with LibreOffice until that
discussion when we managed to show what was really going on in Brazilian
community in this list. I have to say that somehow I was a kind of pessimist
about TDF and LibreOffice (personally speaking). I think some people had
similar thoughts.

In Brazil, many people see with good looking another open source office
suite. More choices, more freedom. But people who was working in BrOffice
Community still remains with LibreOffice, for now, despite those
disagreements. If TDF become more sensible to our needs than used to be,
maybe this situation could be pending to a side in favour of TDF and

Sorry for those words, but it's the real truth.

Would such a press release be understood as positive reaction by the
international community?

It depends on the content of that press release... Maybe the best way is
discussing its contents with our community.

 It will be something like this:

This logo I like better.

This the logo of magazine:

If I understand it right, the magazine is a work of the Brazilian
community. In my eyes it should be allowed to use the logo with TDF subline
(if you want to use it, of course) describing it as official resource of the

Well. We were hardly criticized for using it, and also the domain name ( and the brand in our old website. This would be a 180
degree turnaround. Am I wrong?

An official statement giving those rights to Broffice (now LibreOffice)
magazine would be pretty nice in order to clear any doubt.

As the subline would interfere with the existing line "Magazine Brazil" I
don't think that this would lead to a better visual design, but I wanted to
share my opinion, that the magazine shows a tremendous work by the community
in Brazil.

People are very creative to solve those issues, don't worry about that =).
We really want to contribute and to be proud of using LibreOffice brand.

Here's a sample of the new graphic design:

I like this design :-)

Thanks for sharing!

Best regards


PS: I know about the concerns inside the Brazilian community, but the work
on this magazine is visible and probably took more than 3 months.
If the creators would be interested in TDF membership, this would be an
easy way to show the Membership committee what they have contributed.
With one contact knowing about the amount of work by the single applicant
(it doesn't need to be several hours a day or week - it just needs to be
"significant"), it would be quite easy for the MC to approve these
applications, I assume.

And the more members of a team or local community join TDF as members, the
better their community is represented inside the international community.

This is a good idea. I'll forward this message to the community mailing

Best regards.

Paulo de Souza Lima
Técnico em Eletrônica e Administrador
Curitiba - PR
Linux User #432358
Ubuntu User #28729

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