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Hello Gabor,

On Fri, 2011-07-29 at 12:09 +0200, Jenei Gábor wrote:
Here is a patch for the above mentioned bug, for me it resolved the
issue on 3.5 main version in english, unfortunatelly I couldn't have it
done in other national versions. Please review it, and put it into the
main version if it's ok.
Don't worry about the other versions, they'll see that there was a
string change. BTW there are a few things that were missing:
  * You should have checked the corresponding cxx files: there were some
positions recalculations due to some other row: I fixed it to keep the
whole positioning clean.
  * The help should be changed according to what you changed there.

I pushed your changes with some adjustments to the core repository and
I'll hack the help too.

Many thanks for your patch: keep providing good ones like this ;)

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer


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