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At 09:18 09/06/2014 -0700, Nobody Noname wrote:
I created a custom style with Segio Print as the font, but it does not persist when I open a different document. I created a blank document and made the custom style again and saved it as a template. Then I set the template as default. When I open up a blank document I can see my style. But when I open up an already created document I am not able to see the custom style which I made.
As you have discovered, custom styles are stored per document, and 
the closest you can get to generality is to save them in templates - 
even a default template, as you have done. But once you have created 
custom styles, you can load them into other documents. Open the 
Styles and Formatting window, click the "New Style from Selection" 
button, and select Load Styles... . You can load specific styles from 
other documents or indeed from templates.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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