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On 3/30/11 8:11 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Yesterday's marketing confcall was interesting and I would like to thank
everyone for their participation. One idea that was discussed was to ask the
community about what sort of content they would like to see for the
LibreOffice conference. This can be done very easily here, or on discuss@.
Anyway, comments are welcome (NB: this is not about the venue or the
location but on the content, the form of content, etc.).
Let me further elaborate on this concept: the format of OOoCon has never 
been discussed (at least, since 2004 in Berlin), as it has been 
suggested by Sun and then maintained over the years (increasing the 
length from two to three days).
I think that the first LibreOffice conference is a good opportunity for 
the community to express their thoughts on the conference format and on 
the conference contents.
For instance, we've traditionally had keynotes on the opening day, while 
other conferences tend to have keynotes distributed during the event 
(maybe, one every morning).
Also, parallel tracks have never allowed a real exchange between 
developers and other volunteers (this might be a personal perception), 
so I would personally like "get together" sessions where each group can 
share problems and challenges.
Any input is really welcome. Ciao, Italo

Italo Vignoli
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