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Hello Vesselin

I apologize for my previous reply. Did not catch the caveat at the bottom of the page.

*Notice*: The main limitation on OpenOffice 5 is that you can't change the hash used "SHA1" that really shouldn't be used for security related purposes like signing documents. There are external applications better for this purpose.

On 4/9/2017 5:49 PM, Vesselin Kolev wrote:
Dear All,

Since I cannot find a complete answer of my question neither in the
LibreOffice Documentation nor on the Internet, I decided to forward it
to this mailing list.

Is there any way (even through external Java class) to specify the hash
algorithm when requesting TSA based time stamp? At the present
LibreOffice creates a time stamp request based on SHA1. But this hash
algorithm is considered obsolete. Hence that automatically turns the
time stamped PDF into insecure ones. Note that the same problem occurs
with all signature produced by LibreOffice in general - no possibility
to specify the parameters for creating the signature.

Thank you very much in advance for your response!

Best regards,

Vesselin Kolev

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