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Hello friends

*If* this has not yet been done, I have a request make the "Enable experimental (unstable) features" hideable from the UI, possibly thru an XCU configuration file. I can open a bug for the records, just let me know.
Motivation: In large deployments with tight IT control such option as a 
source of troubles for the help desk, where software stability is a 
must. This option can spark user curiosity and he/she may break the 
installation by ill-behaved (unstable) features.
I am not asking to remove this option from the code, but just give a way 
to deploy LibreOffice with this option out of the reach of the end user. 
The configuration can even keep the option visible by default, but 
should let us/admins hide it.
Thank you
Olivier Hallot
Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
Voicing the enterprise need.
Translation Leader for Brazilian Portuguese


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