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Hi Andras,

On 09/01/2011 01:45, Andras Timar wrote:

The problem is that we cannot say that he always have more up-to-date
translations that OOo hg (or LibreOffice git). I did not check all
files, but some seemed to be older then ours, other seemed to be more
complete/more up-to-date. It would be the best, if locale owners told us
what to use, but unfortunately not all of them showed up in l10n mailing
list. So I'm afraid we cannot make sure about all of these locales
before 3.3. I CC-ed l10n list, maybe some teams can reply and clarify
the situation. For the next release (maybe even for 3.3.1) we need to
find and ask all locale maintaners (and ask them to support LibreOffice,
too, of course :)).
Is it possible that you extract their mail address from the header? If 
yes, I'll mail them to ask a status of their localization.
Thanks for your work :)

Kind regards


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