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Hi Kendy, :-)

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 23:45, Jan Holesovsky <> wrote:
Hi all,

On 2010-12-06 at 17:04 +0100, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

Either way, the good news is that I am currently uploading the files,
and I'll make the site online as soon as it finishes, and I do few
trivial checks; it should be later today (ETA 5 more hours, I am
populating the database through the Mediawiki API, not directly).  So
far I am uploading only the English version.

It will be read-only until RC2, so that it is easy to report bugs
against the tooling that converts the help from the format that is used
in the source code.  After RC2, I plan to open it for your edits &
improvements :-) is now up and running.  As explained above,
it is not open for public editing yet.  There are few known bugs already
filed in the bugzilla, should you find more, please report them too,
with 'wikihelp: ' in the subject, and assign them directly to me.

The already reported bugs are:

You can either test the wikihelp directly from LibreOffice RC1, by
issuing help on various parts of the suite (if you find something that
leads to non-existing page, please report it too), or just from your
browser, using 'Random page' in the left hand menu, and visually
scanning it :-)

I'll improve the tooling according to your findings, and upload the
improved versions of the pages.

I'll be exploring it and will give you constructive feedback.

David Nelson


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