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Hello Eike,

Thanks for reviewing my patch.

Eike Rathke-2 wrote
* For TextToColumn some fields are preset and not changeable and
configuration does not provide properties, do not attempt to access
non-existing properties. In fact unotools/source/config/configmgr.cxx
mocks about these cases if built with debug.


Eike Rathke-2 wrote
* Do not use RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM with new code, OUString knows
about ASCII literals. 

Actually, I'm quite lost with all types of string. Where can I get tuto
about string, String, OUString, UString, etc.?

Eike Rathke-2 wrote
* Converted an if(meCall==...){}if(meCall==...) to a switch case. 

I noticed that caption of Dlg is missing filename in case of File Import.
Patch enclosed correct this.

Eike Rathke-2 wrote
* Sensible indentation, please ;-)

I'm new with Linux and not comfortable with vim. I'm coming from MS-Windows.
I learned C at school in late 80's, then TurboC, Borland C++ and C++ Builder
by myself. So I have still a lot to learned :)
I promise to improve my coding ;)


Laurent BP

LibreOffice 3.5.5
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