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Indeed I would agree that this probably doesn't belong on dev channel -
there we discuss code not "how to's" or feature requests.

I actually would have just recommended the user list :) If that fails, the
OOo forum is good, also our Ask site have some great contributors that know
quite a bit.

If it's a feature that you want I would recommend reporting a "bug" and
marking it as an enhancement request:

Maybe just rephrasing the question and making a new thread where you say
"how do I...." might get some good responses from people who use Database

Best Wishes,
QA Team Member

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Girvin R. Herr

Steven Friedrich wrote:

I'm looking for a place where I can ask questions about programming Base
applications, using LibreBasic and the API.  Is this the right place?

To save a little time, let me explain my question.

I have a Base Form that uses a ListBox based on a SQL query.  When a
is updated, I want the ListBox to requery.

In Microsoft Access, I just said Requery and I didn't even need to specify
the control.

How do I get a Form to requery in LibreOffice?

I am not sure I understand your question, so I may be offbase here (no pun

What you call requerying sounds like it may be the same as Refreshing in
Base Forms.  Have you tried the "Refresh" icon(s)?
At the bottom of my forms, just about in the middle of the top toolbar,
there are two refresh icons.  The left one looks like a rotating arrow and
has a "Refresh" help popup.  The icon to the right of that icon looks like
a "radio button" and a rectangle with two rotating arrows, one out of the
radio button and one into the button.  This icon has a help popup of
"Refresh Control".

Whenever I change a table that a listbox is referring to, that change does
not immediately get reflected in my form's listbox entries.  I must click
on the listbox (not the pulldown list, just highlight the listbox control
itself), then click on the "Refresh Control" icon.  Then the listbox should
update.  Clicking on the "Refresh" icon will refresh (reload?) the entire
database and restart you back to record #1 again, as if you reopened the
form.  "Refresh Control" will just refresh the control that is selected.

Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

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