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pretty (and this may be unrelated, but can we please 1) Get rid of that
hideous gray/black gradient on the down arrow at the end of toolbars-- it
looks really bad and breaks up the GUI
Seems that other guys think similarly - kudos to Kendy :-)
Kendy removed the entire arrow, not just the gradient on it. That's
not quite the same. I'm unsure if I'm ambivalent about it, or if I
feel the same as you -- that this removes some usability.
Anyway, the gradient looked okay on older Windows versions, because it
was square. However, newer Windows and Linux version use rounded
buttons, so the square gradient stuck out. One solution would have
been to remove the gradient (but that would probably look odd), the
other to make the gradient round, the down arrow native, and the
button outline slimmer so that it fits tightly around the gradient.

By the way (serious question) is anybody (but e.g. Bernhard) following
the developer list and the planet?
I don't follow the dev list. I follow the planet (sometimes it would
be nice if more of the devs blogged, on the other hand that of course
takes away from coding time).

Mmh, at least for me it is already difficult to distinguish most of the
icons visible per default - the design is kind of abstract and removing
(most of) the color among (in the source files) shape reduces
I agree with you there.

Now number one has been discussed almost to death on this mailing list but
number 2 also needs to be addressed.  Tango is a quite ugly icon pack that
looks bad on anything apart from certain linux themes.
It might be a start to import newer Tango icons from Gnome (3). They
look quite a bit better than the current ones, which are from the
midst of the Gnome 2 cycle.
Take a look at Gedit, for instance:


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