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Yritin tallentaa sivua mutta painoin vahingossa "Poista
luonnossivulta" ja sit se vahingossa poisti sen. Yritin itse palauttaa
muttei se auttanut.

On toi Silverstripe joskus niin riesa.


2011/1/27, Harri Pitkänen <>:

On Friday 07 January 2011, Erich Christian wrote:
Am 07.01.2011 11:45, schrieb Harri Pitkänen:
Something strange happened to our front page while REDACTED was
editing it. I'm not sure but apparently our front page (LibreOffice in
navigation) had its type changed from Page to SiteTree. Now neither of
us are able to revert that change or edit the page further. The change
is not published so the breakage does not affect live site, only draft
version of the page.

Could someone please revert the LibreOffice page to currently published
version (92) or give any hints on how I could fix it myself?
I've declined the changes now and you should be able to access the pages
Now the same thing has happened again, but time the affected page is our
download page (Lataa). Could you help us again and revert it to version 56
which is the latest published one, please?

Jan: Do you remember what you were doing that caused this to happen? Or does
anyone else know? It seems strange that there are things an editor can do
cannot be undone by those with publisher rights.


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