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On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 7:05 PM, Italo Vignoli <> wrote:
Il 01/03/2013 20:54, Fabian Rodriguez ha scritto:

I think you meant:

This is the right page, without the Apple looking monitors.
Not to belabor the point, but I believe that the images on those pages
may include specific design elements from Apple iMacs (perhaps

Regarding the monitors, it's my opinion this is worse. They are still
clearly recognizable but have buttons, which doesn't really address
previous concerns and modifies Apple's design. I am not even sure Apple
couldn't send a takedown notice since you're deriving their design for
other uses.

These monitors are completely different from iMacs,
There seems to be some confusion here about what we're displaying on
the website. Just for clarity, I believe the images we're talking
about depict all-in-one computers such as the newest iMacs or
ZaReason's Zima 930.

and cannot be exchanged
for iMacs (which have a completely different design, with a different
border, no buttons, a different foot, and are thinner on the sides).
As I mentioned in my previous email, while one of the images pictured
appears to be a reasonably faithful reproduction of the all-in-one
design sold by ZaReason and System76 ("img_slider_1.png"), two of the
images do appear to include a foot from an Apple iMac (or perhaps an
Apple Cinema Display) in their design ("img_slider_2.png",

If someone wants to see an iMac in one of these monitors is for two reasons:
either he has never seen an iMac, which is possible, or he is against any
renovation of the home page (which was definitely in dire need of

Perhaps there's a good way for us to resolve this situation so that
everyone can come out of it feeling like they have achieved the goals
they desire. I believe that in technical terms this is described as
win-win-win :-)

While I believe it's quite possible that elements of an Apple product
are still present in this draft of the website update, let's all
remember that it is just a draft, and mere electronic bits that we can
easily fiddle and fuss over and tweak several times more before we
push a final update to the public front page of the LibreOffice

As I mentioned in my previous email, we can

1. Update the computer images so they have feet with toes (more
chicken, less duck :-), and
2. Tweak the colors of the foot to make the machine look even less like an iMac.

Once we have the new computer designs available, it would be great to
hear feedback from Marco, Italo, Fabian, and others who wish to have
input on the final design before it is deployed. Together, I think we
can make the front page of LibreOffice look amazing!

-- Robinson 'qubit' Tryon

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