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An idea I have is to approach state or local governments about using
FOSS when possible, not just LO but LO would be part of the package. The
idea based on the maturity of some of the major Linux distros for the
average user to use effectively. In Georgia the collapse of the real
estate bubble has hit hard state wide and very hard in some the
metropolitan regions.

Jay Lozier
My local city used some free software now, so it is just a step to get them to look at LibreOffice.
Also with the NA DVD, we do have some other packages included.
See: for the list.

There are many other packages I usually include in the "new computer" DVDs I hand out to people that want me to setup their new computers for them. Some I install, while others I let them know about so they can install them if they choose to. I try to stuff the DVD full of stuff that they might be able to use. For the Windows-Only version we use 314 MB out of the 1,400 MB of space for the install files for Windows and Portable version of LibreOffice. So there is a lot of other stuff added to the DVD than just the install files for LibreOffice.
Do you have any list of software that you would include for a DVD of 
free software that a government, business, or non-profit organization, 
could use that could be added to a hand out disk set?

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