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AutoText in Slovak localization is not functional. Does it work in other localizations?
In Edit->AutoText... I can see the cdrbus50, cdrbus54, standard and 
templates items, however, without any subitems as in the case if English 
is set. Insertion by means of F3 is not functional, too.
If I replace, say, /opt/libreoffice4.0/share/autotext/sk/standard.bau by 
the equivalent file from en_US directory, the subitems appear and 
insertion by F3 is functional (in english and only partially - a dialog 
opens which asks me to choose from two items - they are however 
identical). Maybe the Slovak autotext files are not correct - they may 
be very old, eventually from the era of OOO1.0.
Any Idea, how to fix this?


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