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On 29-12-2014 00:20, craig48 wrote:
I am running LibreOffice on Fedora 21.  I'm trying to run a
LibreOffice basic macro from a form using the mysql direct connect. I am
able to open tables in the database without any problem.

When I open the form, the database password is requested and I enter it, and
the form's grid is loaded with the data.  I'm having trouble connecting from
the form using a basic macro. The connection requires a password. Running
the following code produces an error at the getConnection statement:

        sURL = "sdbc:mysql:mysqlc:sys76.localdomain:3306/folding"
        oManager = CreateUnoService("")
        oCon = oManager.getConnection(sURL)

The resulting error is:

BASIC runtime error.
An exception occurred
Message: Access denied for user 'craig'@'mac.localdomain' (using password:

What do I need to change to successfully connect with the macro?


From this page, shich is a codesample in java, it seems that you have 
to specify properties:

This pages shows some examples of how to do specify properties:

Or, in other words, the *ConnectionProperties* are missing

(disclamer: i do not make macro's in LO, too complicated ;)

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