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Regarding security,
Well, Only running a server for a wind-band, security is maybe not QUITE
as indispensable as it might be with a large organisation. However, besides
using the capabilities available within the GRANT system, there is always
the additional security of using things such as VPN...

On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 13:02:26 +0100, Fernand Vanrie <> wrote:

  Heinrich ,

fine, in the past there where some issues about "remote" connections,
but how do you manage the "security" of your connection


On Sat, 16 Feb 2013 23:44:09 +0100, Dan Lewis
<> wrote:

       I can connect to the MySQL server (5.5) on the same computer
using localhost. But how do I connect to a MySQL server on another
computer on the same network? I can not find it in the MySQL manual, or
I don't know where to look in it.
      I use MySQL Workbench for administrative purposes.


Hi Dan,
When you define your MySQL-database under LO-Base, specify the
hostname (or the
IP-address) of the server as well as the port (usually 3306) instead
of "localhost".
I am actually using a MySQL-server over the internet. It works o.k....
Regards H

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