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Assuming that we will try to ditch MSVC in favor of mingw on Windows,
Not MinGW on Windows, but MinGW as cross-compiler from Linux (or from
some other Unix).

If you are building *on* Windows, use MSVC, is my opinion. OOo thinks
differently; they do/did try to support compiling using MinGW on
Windows (and they haven't done any cross-compilation efforts at all

will we require people hacking on Windows to use mingw exclusively?
I don't think we want to intentionally prevent the code from building
with MSVC, even when at 4.0 we (hopefully) start distributing a
cross-compiled build.

Also, does mingw do platform specific optimization as well as MSVC does?
No idea, presumably not.

How will one debug LibreOffice on Windows?
gdb? Yeah, horrible in many ways compared to Visual Studio.

I assume using Visual Studio as a debugging tool is out the window (no
pun intended)?
I *think* I have heard people talk about some add-on trick to make
Visual Studio understand also MInGW-generated debugging info.



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