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On 7/6/22 06:07, Michael Weghorn wrote:
I tried again with just a single screen instead of two, and then NVDA announces "Slide 1", then reads out the slide content, and when moving further: "Slide 2" and its content, etc. Is that what you think Impress should do as well? (It didn't in a quick test with gtk3 on Linux.)
Yes. If I recall correctly, under MS-Windows/PowerPoint, NVDA and JAWS both support arrow key navigation in the slide contents when the slides are being presented (i.e., after F5 is used to start a presentation).
Ideally, one should be able to do the same in LibreOffice/Impress, and 
under Linux also.
Space/Backspace navigate among slides in Windows/PowerPoint too. 
Obviously, Impress needs a similar keyboard mechanism for slide navigation.
None of this should depend on the number of attached displays. I don't 
think anyone wants their accessibility to fail just in virtue of the 
number of displays that happen to be connected.
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