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On Sun, 24 Apr 2022 20:15:15 -0400
Fred James <> wrote:

Dave Howorth wrote:
I have a financial spreadsheet that was designed in the USA but I
live in the UK. Is there any way in LO to change all the cells that
are formatted as numeric $ amounts to be the same format but using
the equivalent numeric £ format instead?

I don't think there's any logic in the spreadsheet that depends on
the currency, it's just doing numerical calculations on the values.
But it would be easier to look at if it was in £ rather than $

Cheers, Dave  
The $ to £ is merely formatting ...
-> Format -> Cells -> and then under Numbers, and under Category
select Currency ... under Format select "GBP £ English (UK)" ... that
should do it.  Unless I am wrong the £ is divided into 100 parts just
like the $, so there shouldn't be any need to alter calculations
I don't think that does what I want. I would have to select every cell
that has a $ amount, and no other cells, and apply the £ currency. But
that also might change the other format aspects - commas and number of
figures after the decimal point and so forth.

What I'm looking for is something that I can apply to the whole sheet,
and that just changes $ to £ wherever it occurs.

The exchange rate is another matter, of course, if you need to do
No, it's purely the appearance I'm interested in.

Fred James
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