Hi Sveinn, Nik, all,
Sveinn í Felli schrieb:
Ungrouped all objects:
Inkscape SVG
<http://www.nett.is/~sveinki/libreoffice/Scatter-ungrouped-P.svg> Plain SVG
Thanks, this keeps the triangles as vectors.
What I found out is:
The single triangles have a fixed opacity set instead of using the alpha
channel of the gradient definition.
This is certainly a bug - probably when exporting the file to SVG.
If there is no other possibility to turn the .psd file in SVG (I used an
online converter, leading to a 300MB large file that failed to load in
Inkscape), the only way to solve this properly would be to get the
gradient definition for each triangle from CS5 and add them manually to
the Inkscape triangle gradients. Together with correcting the opacity of
the objects this would mean to do three corrections on 56 triangles -
probably about half an hour of stupid work, but manageable.
I don't own a CS5 copy, so I can't do this.
Anybody able to help out (or do just a part of it?)
Best regards
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