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On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 17:27:19 PM -0500, James Knott wrote:
M. Fioretti wrote:
*Big* charities often have the problems that Jonathon said. Very
small organizations, instead, need to spend zero time/money on
maintaining/re-learning the software they have to use, because it
would be all resources subtracted to working in the streets with
the people they assist. That's why they stick to proprietary
software in general, not just MSO.
You've just described why it's better to move from older versions of
MS Office to LO or OO than to have to learn how to use the ribbon
learning how to use the ribbon takes MUCH less time than manually
reformatting years worth of files that you must keep using.

Yes, a charity with just some tens of SIMPLE files they just reuse all
the time will spend less time/money installing LO/AOO on their only
available computer than learning the ribbon AND buying a new pc just
to use the newest MSO.

Whereas any other similar group which had just a few more files, and
just some macros and idiotic, uselessly complex formatting here and
there, and maybe is working off the personal laptops of its volunteers
who just pirate everything anyway... will spend much less total
time/money in learning the ribbon than converting all its document.

THAT's what I meant by "maintaining/re-learning", sorry if it wasn't

M. Fioretti         

Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
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