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On 06/25/2011 02:09 PM, Nuno J. Silva wrote:
On 2011-06-25, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote
The problem is that the research I've been doing about this subject has
been leading me to the position that LibO/OOo is not going to implement
it because it must be implemented in ODF, and because ODF won't support

So, after reading your messages, there are two issues:

1. There's a misunderstanding of the position held by the ODF TC (or
    maybe it was some decision taken long ago of which you don't know?),

2. this sounds like a chicken and egg problem, LibO/OOo will only
    implement embedding if it gets in ODF, and it will only get in ODF if
    there's a working implementation. I've always held the opinion the
    chicken must have come first, because "egg" is shorthand for
    "[chicken] egg". But I doubt this helps here.
In other words, they desire a reference implementation. I understand how 
that works (been there, done that for an Interval mathematics proposal 
for Fortran).
I see font embedding as a way to make interoperation easier, and not to

achieve faithful representation. I think a major goal is to have ODF
being used on several platforms, and available fonts differ from
platform to platform. OTOH I guess LibO can (and probably already does?)
bundle some fonts with it, so that the default fonts are available on
every install of LibO (but this still excludes other ODF-compatible
I always wondered how embedding fonts worked from a copyright perspective. I use my favorite special font that I purchased for my own use, then I create a document that uses (and embeds) that font in the document.
Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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