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Hi Marco,

Am 08.06.2011 10:29, schrieb Thorsten Behrens:
Marco wrote:
I hoped to get some type of object or container that let me to find
the selected thumbnail slides out.
On the contrary the result is that the selection type is "void",
that means "no selection" IMO.

So I don't know how to carry on this task.

Hi Marco,

Cc-ing the list, this may be of public interest - for the moment, I
suggest you simply export *all* slides. Christian, off the top of
your head, is there a way to retrieve the current selection from the
Slidesorter via UNO?
There is a SdUnoSlideView::getSelection implementation that puts all selected slides as XDrawPage reference in a
sequence so chances are good it does what you are looking for.
The open question is how to get the correct XSelectionSupplier to call getSelection on. I would hope that it is the obvious one, xModel->getCurrentController(). But Andrés view hierarchy may be more complex than that. But it also depends if you only need this if you are actual in the slide sorter view. If you need this from the slide panel than this may be more complicate. Feel free to ask about that specific if you can't figure that out for yourself.


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