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Le 17/07/2011 17:02, Rainer Bielefeld a écrit :
gibi schrieb:

There is no more "tag" line in any of the 3.4 versionrc files ... at
least in linux-64 (I didn't check for Windows)

for being able to refer Daily dev-builds a unique build identifier has been created (<>).
May be that should be used for all builds and converted for a "normal 
user  readable" version for the "official builds"?
Well, Litmus users are not exactly end-users, we can grep a string in a 
version[rc|.ini] file or whatever.
So we just need to know which string should be used and how to catch 
this tag from the installation package.
(For example it could have been "3.4.2-201" as we can find in the name 
of each rpm file)
I believe Litmus also should be used tests in Master-Trunk from time 
to time.
Sure! :-)

Thanks for your time.


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