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On 10/07/19 17:54, Andrew Pitonyak wrote:
On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:52 EDT, Uwe Brauer <> wrote:
"AP" == Andrew Pitonyak <> writes:
There was so much static related to the orginal question, that I
opted to simply started a new thread. 
I was provided with a linke to the orignal documents:

There are three documents and I have the original description listed
below, but, this is what I did. 
I ignored the original document. I have working copies of documents 2
and 3. They are not well tested, but, they are in the ODT format, and
they seem to do what they are supposed. I don't think i can attach
them. I can post them to my own site later tonight, or, I can post
them in some other suggested location. 
I would very much appreciate having a copy of these three files.
I would also appreciate having a copy of them to try. Unfortunately, I
am likely to be highly critical, but then, I hope those comments will be
As for the site, I can't come up with any solution I have tested.
Dropbox is out of question I presume.

Thanks again for you work.

I only worked through two of the documents (number 2 and number 3). I
can post them to my personal web site if we have no common place to put
such things; I just need to take the time to do it. If you don't mind if
I email them directly,  i can make that happen even faster than posting
them on my web site. 
Please do email them directly ...
Side note: The macros are marked GPL, which is kind of viral in nature,
which makes my changes (which are clearly marked with " ' ADP " in the
comments) under the same license.  My expectation is that any changes I
made will be very similar for the first document, which I did not touch
or try. The things that I needed to change were as follows: 
No your changes are NOT GPL if you don't want them to be. Please mark
your changes as being under the LO MPL licence. Okay, the resultant file
can only be *distributed* under the GPL, but if somebody then rewrites
the GPL stuff out, the file will change to LO licence.

(Legal stuff - you are the author, you licence your stuff however you
like. But the resulting file must be distributed in a matter compatible
with *all* the relevant licences, which means if your choice of licence
is not GPL-compatible, the resultant file cannot be distributed.)
1. An UNO enum was ....TypeClass.String (or something similar) and it
needed to be TypeClass.STRING. I don't know if it changed, or, if
something else changed. Last time I concerned myself with such things,
the first use of an enum had to be the same case, but subsiquent uses
were case insensitive. 

2. In a few places, there were some array access errors, so, I added "On
Error ResumeNext" and then I primed the return value with something
specific, made the call, then I used "On Error GoTo 0" to disable error

3. Very similar to 2, but some integer (nProperty I think) was -1 rather
than a valid value, so, I tested for it. I did not work hard to
understand the impliciations. 

The odd errors that I received last time I looked at this did not
appear, not sure why. I never did figure out why the third document did
not have an obvious way to call the configure dialog, but (1) I did not
spend a lot of time looking for it and (2) I think it was intended to be
installed and I did not install it or even look at how to install it. My
primary focus was to make the macros not fail. My expectation is that I
missed something, but, it is probably easily fixed if you see the pattern. 

I'll do my best to play with this. It'll be interesting to at least know
what it does ... :-)

I was going to write up my typical "reveal codes" workflow, but the
thread seemed to die a death and I thought "draco dormiens non
titillandus" was a good idea ... :-) Let me know if you want me to do so.



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