Kracked_P_P---webmaster schrieb:
There is an option to include "user defined" colors. I know this, since
I had to do it for the text color of the "official" brochure we were
working on many months ago.
Tools / Options / LibreOffice / Colors
There are options for Add, Modify, Edit, and Delete colors in the color
In that place you can only edit the current palette. For to get a
different palette do this:
In Draw or Impress use Format > Area
In Writer or Calc draw a dummy rectangle and choose Area from its
context menu.
Then go to dialog page 'Colors'. You will see options to load and save
palettes. LO comes with a lot of additional palettes. The most useful
ones are "HTML", which contains some light colors and "scribus" which
has compatible colors to "Scribus" and is the largest palette.
So you can always add a new color to the list, and name it whatever you
wish it to be.
Yes, there are a low number of predefined colors, but I bet if someone
would give a list of names and Hex codes for all of these "non-listed
colors" then maybe they could be added to our font color selection.
The standard color palette has got some more colors recently. If you
want those in an older LO version it is enough to copy the file
Loading other palettes is tedious. So if you will use those colors
often, you should rename the file 'standard.soc' to e.g.
'standard_orig.soc' and copy the file 'scribus.soc' to 'standard.soc'.
The color files are located in the user directory in the folder
'Config'. The file name extension is .soc. It is a pure XML-format, that
means, it is human readable.
If you have "damaged" such file and will restore the original one, you
can copy it from the installation directory, folder "presets".
Kind regards
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] meager color options (continued)
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