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Hi Alexander, 

On Sun, 01 May 2011 07:16:37 +0200
Alexander Ostuni <> wrote:

Yes, it is build to produce Dokuments and because of that I need to 
rotate a picture. I work in a bank. We have restrictions on the 
installed programms. I am not allowed to install any application that 
can rotate pictures.
I have to create our formulars/documents. Each of them has a barcode. I 
get the barcodes horizontally but need them vertically in the 
In MS word I can rotate them, in LO (wich is allowed in our bank and 
also the software we shall use over Word) not, so I can't use LO but 
have to use Word.
If you have LibO on your computer, why don't you use then Draw to rotate the barcode? Sure, it is 
more convenient to have that feature in Writer, but Draw is the specialised component for drawings 
and it has a lot more functions and capabilities, that you could ever built into a text processing 


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