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Hi Caolan,

On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 10:37 +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:
So, I'd already done some work on these, some of which was already in
LibreOffice on day 0, but I've extended it a bit. Building on Noel's
work for some VBA foo we can now tag a menu entry in the xml description
        Really lovely :-) that has long been missing for decent gtk+ theme
integration, and better usability.

        Which reminds me - it seems to me, that for menus and toolbars, the
information in the .src and .hrc files is increasingly useless and/or
duplicated elsewhere.

        It would be wonderful to work out what (if any) of it is still
necessary - eg. svx/inc/globlmn_tmpl.hrc and add an 'Easy Hacks' wiki
page entry for cleaning it all up [ potentially with some code changes
too ].

        Ideally of course, we would bin these SID_DO_FOO things, and just use
".uno:DoFoo" const char * strings around the place for clean, uniform
user interface hooks, but ..

        Any chance of some thoughts on that in the wiki - while this is swapped
into your brain ? :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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