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At 08:30 30/03/2012 +0200, Gergely Buday wrote:
when I start writer, the system keeps changing focus between Styles and Formatting and the main document window very quickly, so they flash and I cannot choose any of them to use. It ceases after 1-2 minutes.
Your right little finger / cat's front paw / newspaper / diary / TV 
remote / coffee cup / telephone  (delete as appropriate) is resting 
on the F11 key, which is toggling the Styles and Formatting window 
alternately on and off.
How could I fix this?
Banish the cat?  Move the telephone?

Alternatively, you may have a stuck F11 key or have earlier poured the coffee into your keyboard. Your system should have diagnostic software available to identify the problem. You may also need a screwdriver.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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