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Committed, thanks


On Sat, 2010-10-09 at 22:58 +0200, Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
Patch for bin/create-tags and bin/tinbuild attached.

To be added to the previous sent.


Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
The third version of the patch this time working for build from scratch.

But, a _big_ but, the change in unpack-extras and build-generic _may_ 
affect other mechanism of the build system I don't know yet (for ex. 
/bin/bash -> /bin/sh).

Anyway with the attached patch I was able to build from scratch the 
correct LibreOfficeLinux.


Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
The attached patch seems better then the one before.

Please have a look.


Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
Hi all,

I stumbled on a couple of error while building with a recent git pull 
-r from repo (this morning, around 8 CET).

System: Ubuntu 9.10

autogen command:
./ --with-distro=LibreOfficeLinux  
--with-gcc-speedup=ccache --with-git --with-num-cpus=2 
--with-lang='en-US it' --enable-kde=no --enable-kde4=yes

build log with error:

Revert font mapping munging ...
test -n "" && /home/beppe/LibO-b/LibO_master-head/build/bin/gob 
prepare || true
/home/beppe/LibO-b/LibO_master-head/build/bin` ; \
    CURSOURCE=libreoffice-; test -f 
&& CURSOURCE=`cat 
    chmod +x 
/home/beppe/LibO-b/LibO_master-head/build/patches/ && 
test: 13: z/home/beppe/LibO-b/LibO_master-head/build/bin: unexpected 
/home/beppe/LibO-b/LibO_master-head/build/bin/applyflags: 16: Syntax 
error: Bad fd number
Execute with  for distro(s) 'Debian'

OLDEST_SUPPORTED => ooo330-m7 ooo-build- libreoffice-

the source ended up with the patch set for Debian applied, so even 
though if was all right straight to smoketest, the splash at LibO 
start has the bitmap missing while the bar is in place.
Another error was the missed Italian localized full package, while 
the Italian packlanguage was present.

The attached patch solves the second error 
(/home/beppe/LibO-b/LibO_master-head/build/bin/applyflags: 16: Syntax 
error: Bad fd number) but the first error seems embedded in a python 
script; a language I don't know very well.
All this seems related to the /bin/bash =-> /bin/sh change.

Don't know if it's needed, anyway patch is supplied compliant to 
LGPLv3+ license.



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plain text document attachment (build-various-fixes2.diff)
diff --git a/bin/create-tags b/bin/create-tags
index 61dfe0e..9575063 100755
--- a/bin/create-tags
+++ b/bin/create-tags
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
 omnicppoptions="--c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q"
 ctags -h "+.hdl.hrc" --langmap=c:+.hdl.hrc.src $omnicppoptions \
       --languages=-HTML,Java \
-      -R --exclude=${INPATH/./\\.} --exclude=binfilter --exclude=solver \
+      -R --exclude=`echo ${INPATH} | sed 's/\./\\\./g'` --exclude=binfilter --exclude=solver \
       --totals=yes --sort=foldcase *
diff --git a/bin/tinbuild b/bin/tinbuild
index 97a6bbd..549dd09 100755
--- a/bin/tinbuild
+++ b/bin/tinbuild
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ if test "$SEND_MAIL" -eq 1 ; then
              echo "Owner not set."
              exit 1
-     if test "$OWNER" = "${OWNER/@/_}" ; then
+     if test "$OWNER" = `echo ${OWNER} | sed 's/\@/_/g'` ; then
              echo "The owner address '$OWNER' does not look like an email address."
              exit 1
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