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On 10/15/2012 11:41 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 08:14 15/10/2012 -0700, C V Alkan wrote:
I'm using Writer on two different machines/Operating Systems and have copied the main fonts I use to both, but every now and then a situation arises where LibreOffice makes a substitution for a font that I overlooked, causing subtle (usually, but not always) changes in the document layout.
Is there some way to list all of the fonts (not styles, since I don't 
want to wade through each to see what fonts they need) in use in a 
particular document?
This is just a guess, but try File | Export as PDF... to create a PDF 
version of your document.  Open this in your favourite PDF reader, 
which should be able to tell you which fonts have been embedded.  Does 
that give you a reliable list?
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

For Ubuntu 12.04/MATE, I used the default PDF viewer and went to:
to display the fonts used in a document.

The only thing I would like to see is the ability to copy/paste the font list to a text file to compare the list to another list of fonts.
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