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On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 00:41:42 +0000
Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
Nicely handled.  Thanks for the apology!  It hadn't bothered me but
thanks again :)

You're welcome.  Figured it might cause a bit of "What the...?"

I guess best advice to anyone else finding they appear to be
sending weird stuff is to change your password.

Or simply make certain they're hitting "Compose," as opposed to
"Reply," whilst reading a mailing list but intending to send to an
individual an email completely unrelated to the mailing list ;)

On Sun, 22 Mar 2015 22:06:16 -0400
Doug <> wrote:

Looks like someone is expecting a visit from the CIA!
Hardly :).  Totally legitimate thing to do, here in the U.S.A.,
building an AR-15 from scratch.  That's published in a plain old
on-line magazine, available for anybody, anywhere to read.  (Except
perhaps where blocked by country [e.g.: China] or corporate [e.g.:
Those who emply nanny filters] policy.)

Anyway: Again: My apologies for the noise.

Note: My mail server employs *very* aggressive anti-spam
filtering.  If you reply to this email and your email is
rejected, please accept my apologies and let me know via my
web form at <>.

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