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On 10/19/2010 12:52 AM, Harold Fuchs wrote:

to use Gmane you need to be subscribed to both it *and* the TDF lists which
completely defeats the purpose of the Gmane interface.

I agree, having to sign up in two places is inconvenient, and it shouldn't be that way, but it doesn't defeat the purpose of the gmane interface. The purpose is to be able to read and write messages on a web forum, and it seems you are able to do this. As previously mentioned, the nomail option allows you to avoid getting email from the mailing list. Are you mostly upset that your email address is there for everyone to see?

NB Gmane already insists that you can't send messages via it without being
subscribed to it. This instantly kills the "spam prevention" argument that I
have seen put forward.

I am philosophically opposed to someone being able to post a message to everyone on a mailing list, but then insist on not being reachable by email himself. If you want to send email, you should be willing to receive it. If you want to avoid spam, use a throw-away account or a spam filter.


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