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The checkbox sets a flag to the registry [1], which is working well. The same is true for this 
WhatsNew infobar that shows up the first time you start a new version [2]. So my guess is that your 
user space is readonly or will be cleared regularly. Can you please elaborate a bit on your 

[1] officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::ShowTipOfTheDay
[2] org.openoffice.Setup/Product/ooSetupLastVersion

On 21.01.20 00:48, Dave Stevens wrote:
On Tue, 21 Jan 2020 10:01:53 +1300
Steve Edmonds <> wrote:

I am on and I just unchecked the little box bottom left of the
tip dialogue box and it no longer presents itself at startup.
yes I've done that and the next day there it is again. Not a deal
breaker but irritating.

On 21/01/2020 07:14, Dave Stevens wrote:
It's irritating that every time I fire LO Writer up I get a tip
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