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On 27.07.2017 10:45, zahra a wrote:
hello every one.
i have a question.
is it possible for me to have all menus, options and settings of
libreoffice in for example in one txt file?
i have all menu in one file that whenever i dont have libreoffice
available, can help people, answer there questions and cooperate in
improving libreoffice and help developers.
could someone help me and sayhow can i gather all menus in one txt file?
for example: notepad++ has menu in one xml file and i can have all
menus and options translated in to farsi.

I would also like to be able to get to strings in that standard (main) toolbar (holding File Edit View menues). In Pootle I can never be sure am I editing the right 'Format' of 'File' string...


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