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@Larry Gusaas
During the last 12 months alot of of big businesses have changed over to
Windows 7 and MSO 2007/2010.  As most people dont care about the format they
will just save it as docx.  Most will not even know the difference because
they will buy the software that their business has.  LibreOffice being able
to write to .doc isn't going to be enough when everyone around you is using
the format equivalent of Win7 and you're still using the equivalent of

The vibe i got from the original poster and a few subsequent posters was
that of stopping support entirely, both read and write, rather than just

gStreamer is a de-facto media framework.  Some programs you use everyday
probably use it.  If my use of gStreamer was to hard for you then replace it
with FFMpeg.  It achieves the same objective.  And dont just think that
because i know a few computer terms that you don't that I run Linux.  Not
every smart person uses it even though it is a better system than Windows.
 The reason it fails is really the same as why OOo/LO struggle against MSO,
people dont see it as a viable alternative.  In linux's case its because
people think that it HAS to be advanced and that it isn't user friendly.  In
OOo/LO's case people see that it doesn't have the features they need (.docx
support) and, camparative to MSO, looks a-shambles, with a GUI akin to the
MSO 97-2003 era.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Larry Gusaas <>wrote:

On 2010/12/31 1:02 AM  Sean White wrote:

LibreOffice pulls .docx support then people WONT congratulate us on the
strength of our morals.

Nobody suggest not being able to read .docx files, only that LibO should no
be able to write to that format.

 They will instead see an 'office suite' that
doesn't support the formats they have and will go "Well thats USELESS" and
delete it from their system and install an office suite which DOES have

MS Office still can read and write to .doc format. LibO ability to write to
.doc format if necessary is sufficient for interchange with MS office users

 we happen to support a format that is used by 80+% of all 'Office Suite'

Older versions of MS office do not use the new formats. Many users of MS
Office 2007 and newer still save in the older formats. Nowhere near 80+% of
MS Office users the new file formats.

 Its kinda like going to the gStreamer forums and saying "I'm going
to iTunes because you support WMA".

Totally irrelevant comment. What is gStreamer? Oh, wait a minute, it is
probably a Linuts program.

Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind
theirs." - Edgard Varese

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Sean White,
I've Seen the Cow Level

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