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Hi there,

On Sat, 2011-01-22 at 02:31 +0100, Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai wrote:
It seems we ship in
        Odd; I don't see that on windows - in my file list.

On Sat, 2011-01-22 at 02:16 +0100, Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai wrote:
idxexample*.odt: Writer, Insert -> Indexes and tables -> indexes and
tables - this is the preview.
        Ah ! ok :-) so - we have around 1.2Mb (compressed) of this idxexample
document translated wholesale over and over again. As you say - the code
for this lives in:


        And we could translate those files far more easily (for translators at
least), if we could extract those strings to a .po file [ I suspect ].
It would be wonderful to extract the eight strings, and have a
programmatic way of substituring them into a more generic template.
Anyhow - I've added this into the document.

standard.sob: Draw -> Any shape -> Area -> Bitmaps
        Great :-)

3x .wav -> this is not a problem:
        Well; the 1.8Mb zipped that we have in the windows install is at least
a curious choice; I've ~never seen them used :-) we might want to
consider having fewer.

The only thing that we can do here is recompressing into ogg (for
example) - Windows support?
        Right; not a great option.

Can we move common (presentation background) from root of templates
(./layout) to ./common/layout subfolder? It would be nice. I will
provide patch if you agree.
        Why ? :-) I -really- don't want us creeping in more per-language
translated in-template files: indeed, we need a comprehensive fix for
translated templates once-and-for-all I think, that rids us of this
curse of duplication :-)

        Do you propose having some non-common layout templates ? :-)

One idea, can we generate thesaurus idx file during install? That may
solve few megabytes.
        Oh - right; 4Mb of that - which we can (I assume easily) build at
install time; I've added that to the spreadsheet, and re-up-loaded it.
It should be quite fun in fact to re-write the somewhat trivial
dictionaries/util/ script as a standalone C++ tool - would
be faster too: it takes ~5 CPU seconds each to index those beasties in
perl, which would be ~instant in C++.

        Anyhow - the biggest chunk of sillyness is clearly the wizard /
template stuff, which needs more concerted thought and cleanup I think -
preferably in such a way that all templates can be easily localised for
everyone, even end-users.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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