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Hi Julien,

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 01:59:48PM -0700, julien2412 <> wrote:
Taking a look to this part:
   4442                 if ( nErrCode == ERRCODE_NONE )
   4443                 {
   4444                     p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType = ( eGraphicType
   4445                     aStream.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END );
   4446                     p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize = aStream.Tell();
   4447                     pGraphicAry = (sal_uInt8*)aStream.GetData();
   4449                     if ( p_EscherBlibEntry->meBlibType == WMF )    
I think this should be EMF, before
0056fe28c7bd8e72cd5bdd335f098d00cd0d5d11, the code was like this:

// !EMF             nErrCode = GraphicConverter::Export( aStream, aGraphic, ( eGraphicType == 
                    nErrCode = GraphicConverter::Export( aStream, aGraphic, ( eGraphicType == 

So WMF got changed to EMF, but then later the other WMF wasn't adopted.

// the fileheader is not used
   4450                     {
   4451                         p_EscherBlibEntry->mnSize -= 22;
   4452                         pGraphicAry += 22;
   4453                     }
   4454                 }
However, if you change WMF to EMF here, then one wonders if you want to skip an
EMF header as well, and the answer is probably: not (and even if you want to do
that, the EMF header is not fixed size, so a constant 22 won't help there). So
I would just delete the dead code here.


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