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On 02/22/2011 02:21 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-02-22 14:00, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions a écrit :

If they do not want to host it there, then we may have a problem for who
will host the ISO file[s]. According to, I am not allow to
host the ISO version of the DVD on my hosting account since that would
make it a repository account. I would like to know how/where the ISO can
be downloaded from within a GoDaddy account, or some other account.

This is a DVD iso we are working on. I see the following on the German


( coming soon: CD-ROMs for one operating system ( Windows Windows
^® and Linux Linux) with the suitable additions, but without
source code and SDK.

So we may need to make a CD version of this, without all of the extras
that makes this DVD so big.
The Linux install files are 762 MB so that will make a single Linux CD

Yup, CD version would be nice for the less fortunate who have older machines and slow/no internet. Although, there are no new boxes being sold with CD drives. You can barely find any blank CD's anymore and they are so much more expensive than the DVD price. For the price of a pack of 25 or 30 blank CD's you can buy a brand new DVD burner. I normally tell people to exchange their CD drives with a DVD and push the fact that they can then watch movies on their computers. Usually works.
I used to be a white box builder -- Mandriva-Free boxes.



We do not have the problems with blank CDs being more expensive than 
DVDs.  You can get 100 packs online for under $20 [plus shipping] for 
both CDs and DVDs at  I currently buy locally when I 
need them.  I have no trouble finding them in my area of the country.  
There are even bargain stores that have 25 and 50 per spool for 5$ and 
$10 pricing where the DVDs are $8 for 25 and $15 for 50.  This is where 
I get the "thin" jewel cases as well for a good price.  That is why I 
would like a "thin" jewel case graphic for the DVD.  I can get the "thin 
tall" DVD cases at one of the big chain stores about 10 miles away from 
me, but they are 10 for $10 or $15 [all USA dollars].
I use an external USB CD/DVD LightScribe burner to save my laptop's 
drive.  My old HP laptop's DVD burner failed twice under the warranty 
period and would have cost me $250 to buy a replacement.  The external 
one is slower since it is USB, but it cost me $50 or so to replace it.  
Of course for $90 you can buy an USB 2 terabyte external drive on sale 
at places line
What is hard to find is full size [full thickness] jewel cases and the 
full thickness DVD/Movie cases.  I do not use the thick jewel cases 
anymore since I need as much space as possible for my burned "stuff".  
The thinner DVD/movie size cases are easier to find and store, but you 
do not have the thick spine to see what you got.  Same with the thin 
jewel cases, but I have learned to live with that.
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