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On 3/20/2015 11:52 AM, Michael Tiernan wrote:
I'm asking here before I go and hunt down if there's a bug.

I've done these steps. Very simple an unsophisticated process.
1) I create a new writer document.
2) I paste into it a load of plain text.
3) Go to first page. Create a footer with "page" of "page number"
4) Go to last page, the footer says "8 of 8".
5) Now, begin to format text.

Some of the changes:
A) Bold and Center a line of text.
B) Select some text and created bulleted list.

At this point the page counts are correct. NOW, I adjust the right
margin of the bulleted text and the page number /following/ the margin
change gets reset.

Has anyone seen this?
Anyone have any suggestions to look into before I try filing a bug report?

Thanks for everyone's time.

This reminds me of a problem I've experienced. It may or may not be the same bug.
Try saving/closing the document, then re-opening it.  If it's the bug I 
experienced, then the pages will be correct again when you re-open it.
-- Tim

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